19th - 24th August 2024
Schedule Now Live!
The ultimate six days of dressage competition, covering all levels and FEI classes for all under 25 riders…
Individual and team (unaffiliated) championships available to enter along with normal affiliated British Dressage classes. Prize givings held each day with sponsored classes providing excellent prizes and stunning rosettes.
Stabling and hook-up available on site with fantastic facilities to make use of.
Championship Classes Schedule:
Monday 19th August 2024
Advanced Medium Championship
Tuesday 20th August 2024
Medium Championship
FEI Children on Horses, Pony, Junior & Young Rider Championships
Inter 1 Championship
Under 25’s Grand Prix Championship
Elementary Team Competition – round 1
Wednesday 21st August 2024
Prelim Semi-Final Championship
Elementary Team Competition – round 2
Novice Team Competition – round 1
Thursday 22nd August 2024
Prelim Final Championship (entries accepted after the semi-final)
Novice Team Competition – round 2
Friday 23rd August 2024
Rider Skills Squad Tests
Elementary Semi-Final Championship
Novice Semi-Final Championship
Prelim Team Competition – round 1
Saturday 24th August 2024
Novice Final Championship (entries accepted after the semi-final)
Elementary Final Championship (entries accepted after the semi-final)
Prelim Team Competition – round 2

Check qualification requirements for each championship:
Open to Bronze & Silver section riders only.
2 scores at Prelim level of 65% or higher, gained between 01.01.24 – 30.06.24
Enter the semi-final (class 25) with the opportunity to qualify for the final the following day.
Qualifying spaces from the semi-final will depend on entries as to how many semi-finals will run at each level.
2 Semi-Finals : Top 15 from each semi-final through to the finals.
3 Semi-Finals : Top 10 from each semi-final through to the finals.
4 Semi-Finals : Top 8 from each semi-final through to the finals.
Open to Bronze, Silver & Gold section riders.
2 scores at Novice level of 66% or higher, gained between 01.01.24 – 30.06.24
Enter the semi-final (class 51) with the opportunity to qualify for the final the following day.
Qualifying spaces from the semi-final will depend on entries as to how many semi-finals will run at each level.
2 Semi-Finals : Top 15 from each semi-final through to the finals.
3 Semi-Finals : Top 10 from each semi-final through to the finals.
4 Semi-Finals : Top 8 from each semi-final through to the finals.
Open to Bronze, Silver & Gold section riders.
2 scores at Elementary level of 66% or higher, gained between 01.01.24 – 30.06.24
Enter the semi-final (class 48) with the opportunity to qualify for the final the following day.
Qualifying spaces from the semi-final will depend on entries as to how many semi-finals will run at each level.
2 Semi-Finals : Top 15 from each semi-final through to the finals.
3 Semi-Finals : Top 10 from each semi-final through to the finals.
4 Semi-Finals : Top 8 from each semi-final through to the finals.
Open to Bronze, Silver & Gold section riders.
2 scores at Medium level of 64% or higher, gained between 01.01.24 – 30.06.24
Enter the championship (class 15).
Open to Bronze, Silver & Gold section riders.
1 score at Advanced Medium level of 63% or higher, gained between 01.01.24 – 30.06.24
Enter the championship (class 7).
FEI Children On Horses Team Test – class 17
FEI Pony Team Test – class 18
FEI Junior Team Test – class 19
FEI Young Rider Team Test – class 20
FEI Inter 1 – class 21
FEI Grand Prix (16-25) – class 22
No prior qualification needed, just enter the relevant level.
How to get involved…
The Sheepgate Under 25 Team Competition is a fun competition for premium rosettes, sashes, and prizes, where the six British Dressage regions compete against each other in a two-day competition during the Under 25 Championships. Teams of 4 are all at the same level:
Elementary Teams – Tuesday (E3) and Wednesday (E4)
Novice Teams – Wednesday (N3) and Thursday (N4)
Prelim Teams – Friday (P3) and Saturday (P4)
A great way to get involved in regional teams and compete for your region!
- 2 scores at the level between 1 Jan 24 and 30 June 24
- Combinations must be eligible at the level applied for
- Open to Bronze, Silver, and Gold Combinations
- Scores from regular competitions and championships can be used including Quest (But not online competition)
- Squad assessment for 2023 is not required.
Applications will open 14th June 2024 for all regions.
Permanent Stabling- booked via the class lists- classes 0 A – 0 G. Very limited availability! Please specify in the notes, size and sex(ex) of your horse or pony.
Temporary Stabling will be limited and can be booked along with entry bookings on the following page from the class bookings.
ALL STABLING will be booked from 4pm to 4pm. If you require early access to your stabling, extra nights will need to be booked to ensure your access. Please book your stabling with the intention of qualifying for the finals if you are taking part in semi-finals, no extra stabling will be available to book once you are on-site during the event.
Electric hook-up can be booked with your entries via the booking system.
Bedding, hay & haylage can be purchased on-site but cannot be pre-ordered. If you specify any pre-orders on your entry this will NOT be picked up.
Prize Givings:
Presentations will be unmounted and will run at the end of each competition day for the relevant classes. All riders placed 1st – 10th will be expected to attend, no prizes will be held or posted on at a later date so please bare this in mind and be prepared to stay for prize givings or arrange a representative to collect your prize. Timings will be announced along with the daily schedule.